Update from the field radiation team I spent last week driving around Fukushima, taking our radiation experts to spots where they suspected there was a high levels of contamination. Always carrying a personal dose meter with us, which tells us how much radiation we are being exposed to, we arrive at ‘hotspots’ wearing a one-piece protection suit, gumboots, gloves and a mask to avoid contact with radioactive particles. We also cover our car seats, and floormats using a disposal plastic sheet which we had to change every day. Our boots and the floormats are often the most contaminated part at the end of each day because we walk on contaminated soil and grass, and then bring it inside the car. We look a bit over the top, especially when we pass locals wearing plain clothes, and are often not even wearing a mask. While were are taking these safety measures to minimise exposure and only stay in this area for only a week, we detected 4.5 microSievert per hour - which means lo...