
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: març, 2019

Openhab nfc tags

How I converted my nfc tag into a switch? Easy. Instructions: Preconditions: -Have an openHAB system working 1) Install the openHAB app in your smartphone 2) Select and keep pushing over an element e.g. (switch) 3) A menu should appear 4) Select your desired option 5) Follow the instructions (Just keep an NFC tag closer to your smartphone with NFC)

OpenHAB vs Home Assistant vs Mozilla Gateway

I've started with home automation!! Yes, After some tests with some open source systems to control my home.. I've tested: -Home assistant => https://www.home-assistant.io/ -OpenHAB => https://www.openhab.org/ -Mozilla Gateway => https://iot.mozilla.org/ Which one I've chosen? Not easy but.. OpenHAB , basically because its accessible from internet easy and without paying, home assistant it's also great but I don't feel comfortable with the payed service https://www.nabucasa.com/ while Mozilla Gateway it's not ready for a real environment. I'm not the only one who prefer openhab, it's the most voted solution in apps comparison webpage alternativeto .=> https://alternativeto.net/software/openhab/about/