YMII GetFriday (2nd post)
Hi everybody! As I said in my previous post . Following Tim Ferris tips I started contracting and using the virtual personal assistant that offers the company https://www.getfriday.com. I was so excited for doing it.Oh, yes! I'm not a rich person and to have someone that works for you is a kind of experience that make you feel good, at least that was what I felt. And how much does it cost to have someone ready to do my virtual boring tasks like writing posts or organizing your photo albums? Just 4€ each month! Unbelievable! After first emotions, and after having used the service during two months, my opinion is pretty good if you life in an English country otherwise it's not always so useful, for example in Spain I had some limitations because some tasks cannot be well done, for example write a post in Spanish, book a restaurant or call your mother that knows nothing more than Yes in English. To sum up, I will write the pros and cons about contracting the service: Pros ...